The Traveler’s Door
Julian Dawson travels through the multiverse completing one dangerous task after another with one goal–return home to his family.
The Traveler’s Door
Julian Dawson travels through the multiverse completing one dangerous task after another with one goal–return home to his family.
Carl Alves
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– amazon review of the invocation
– amazon review of battle of the soul
– amazon review of blood street:a vampire thriller
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The Book of Cold Cases by Simone St. James
This is the second novel that I read from Simone St. James, and much like The Sundown Motel, this novel was a winner. This novel involves a true crime blogger interviewing a woman acquitted of serial murder forty years ago. The novel bounces back between present day...
Rhythm of War by Brandon Sanderson
In this very, very long novel, it seemed like 90% of it is setup, and 10% is the realization of this setup, which isn’t a great ratio of action and consequence to setup. I’ve been enjoying the Stormlight Archives series to this point, and I did generally like this...
Movie Review: Gladiator 2
My basic premise coming into this movie is that there is no reason for it to exist. Gladiator is one of the greatest movies ever made, and the story was all told. There was no need for a sequel, and to me this is clearly a money grab. All of that said, how was the...
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