My Blog
Yellow Jackets Season 2 Review
The first season of this show was intriguing, entertaining to watch, and generally piqued my interest. It wasn’t great, but it was solid television. The second season can politely be described as a train wreck. That’s not to say there wasn’t anything redeeming...
Ready Player One by Ernest Cline
Prior to reading this novel, I had watched the movie, Ready Player One, and I was surprised at just how different the novel was than its movie adaptation. After reading the book, I understand why the movie went in such a different direction. A true adaptation of...
We Have Always Been Here by Lena Nguyen
We Have Always Been Here is a slow moving science fiction novel that has some mystery and intrigue but more often than not did not deliver. In the novel, a crew is sent to explore the planet Eos, where strange things were reported from two humans and an...
We Could be Heroes by Mike Chen
In We Could Be Heroes, Jamie and Zoe both have superpowers and no recollection of their past life. Coincidence? Of course not. Jamie uses his memory reading and brain stunning power to rob banks that are FDIC insured, while Zoe prefers to use her superstrength,...
Movie Review: John Wick 4
John Wick 4 is much like the other John Wick movies, so if you didn’t appreciate them, you probably wouldn’t like this movie, and if you were a fan of the other John Wick movies, this one will be to your liking. This movie is very much like its predecessors except...
Movie Review: Knock at the Cabin
I tried reading Cabin at the End of the World, the novel in which this movie was based on. I wasn’t a big fan of the writing and didn’t make it to the end of the book. So, my expectations weren’t all that high coming into this movie, although I do usually enjoy...